Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A question about last Sunday

Last Sunday we were given the opportunity to come forward for a prayer of healing and forgiveness. It was a very personal moment with Pastor Fritz, God and myself. As I turned around, I noticed only women in line to come forward.

Where were the men? Don't they need this moment of healing or are they just willing to go it alone?


pastorfritz said...

I was thinking the same thing last Sunday. Yet I've also had very powerful times of healing prayer with men in their homes or hospital rooms - often with other church leaders who are also men.

My spiritual director (a man) mentioned the other day that church had gotten too "touchy feely" for men and that we'd taken the "grit" out of the gospel. I value the inclusion of healing prayer in our services for a range of reasons and there are some in the congregation who look forward to those few sundays a year when we include it. But I also wonder if we need more "grit" and what that might look like.

Anonymous said...

I've seen men come forward on other Sundays for healing prayer. I think there were some not in church who might otherwise have joined the line.

Is "grit" really what the gospel is about?